Clever-1/Stabilin-1 is a scavenger receptor present on lymphatic and sinusoidal endothelium as well as on a subset of type II macrophages. It is also induced on vasculature at sites of inflammation. However, its in vivo function has remained practically unknown and this work addresses those unknown aspects. We demonstrate using in vivo models that Clever-1/Stabilin-1 mediates migration of T and B lymphocytes to the draining lymph nodes in vivo and identify the adhesive epitope of the Clever-1/Stabilin-1 molecule responsible for the interaction between lymphocytes and lymphatic endothelium. Moreover, we demonstrate that Ab blocking of Clever-1/Stabilin-1 efficiently inhibits peritonitis in mice by decreasing the entrance of granulocytes by 50%, while migration of monocytes and lymphocytes into the inflamed peritoneum is prevented almost completely. Despite efficient anti-inflammatory activity the Ab therapy does not dramatically dampen immune responses against the bacterial and foreign protein Ag tested and bacterial clearance. These results indicate that anti-Clever-1/Stabilin-1 treatment can target two different arms of the vasculature -traffic via lymphatics and inflamed blood vessels.
IntroductionImmune cell trafficking between blood and lymphoid organs is an essential element in the proper functioning of the immune system. The mechanisms mediating lymphocyte entrance from the blood into the lymphoid organs and leukocyte trafficking to sites of inflammation are well known [1][2][3]. In contrast, mechanisms involved in lymphocyte migration from the periphery via the afferent lymphatics into the draining lymph nodes and their exit from the lymph nodes are poorly known. Besides lymphocytes, many tumors also use lymphatics for dissemination to distant sites of the body [4]. Eur. J. Immunol. 2009. 39: 3477-3487 DOI 10.1002 Innate immunity
3477Clever-1/Stabilin-1, also known as Feel-1, is a multifunctional molecule possessing scavenging ability on a subset of type II macrophages [5,6]. It is also present both on afferent and efferent lymphatic endothelial cells and sinusoidal endothelial cells in the liver and spleen [7][8][9][10]. In man, it is brightly expressed on high endothelial venules (HEV), which are the specific vessels within organized lymphatic tissues mediating lymphocyte entrance into the tissues, and on sinusoidal macrophages. Moreover, at sites of inflammation its expression is induced in flat-walled vessels. On lymphatic vasculature it is able to bind lymphocytes and certain tumor cells and on inflamed blood vessel endothelium it can mediate adhesion of lymphocytes, granulocytes and monocytes [8,11]. In vitro analyses have indicated it to be important in the transmigration step during the leukocyte extravasation process [12].Clever-1/Stabilin-1 is involved in two intracellular trafficking pathways, namely in receptor mediated endocytosis and recycling as well as in shuttling between endosomal compartment and trans-Golgi network. These complex mechanisms require interactions with several molecules ...