We illustrate how boundary states are recovered when going from a noncommutative manifold to a commutative one with a boundary. Our example is the noncommutative plane with a defect, whose commutative limit was found to be a punctured plane -so here the boundary is one point. Defects were introduced by removing states from the standard harmonic oscillator Hilbert space. For Chern-Simons theory, the defect acts as a source, which was found to be associated with a nonlinear deformation of the w ∞ algebra. The undeformed w ∞ algebra is recovered in the commutative limit, and here we show that its spatial support is in a tiny region near the puncture. * Talk presented by second author at the conference "Space-time and Fundamental Interactions: Quantum Aspects" in honor of A.P. Balachandran's 65th birthday, Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy 26th