A modified fluorescence microscope system was used to measure chlorophyll fluorescence and delayed light emission from mesophyll and bundle sheath cells in situ in fresh-cut sections from leaves of Panicum miliaceum L. The fluorescence rise in 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU)-treated leaves and the slow fluorescence kinetics in untreated leaves show that mesophyll chloroplasts have larger photosystem 11 unit sizes than do bundle sheath chloroplasts. The larger photosystem 11 units imply more efficient noncyclic electron transport in mesophyll chloroplasts. Quenching of slow fluorescence also differs between the cell types with mesophyll chloroplasts showing complex kinetics and bundle sheath chloroplasts showing a relatively simple decline. Properties of the photosynthetic system were also investigated in leaves from plants grown in soil containing elevated NaCI levels. As judged by changes in both fluorescence kinetics in DCMU-treated leaves and delayed light emission in leaves not exposed to of the growth of the area over this fluorescence induction curve (22, 23) have revealed two distinct components: a fast, nonexponential component (a) and a slower, exponential component (j3). These two components have sometimes been attributed to two different forms of PSII, termed PSIIa and PSIIO, which are considered to be distinct physical entities (22). Alternatively, it has been suggested that the biphasic nature ofthe fluorescence rise simply reflects different degrees of connectivity between PSII units (5). Other explanations are that the heterogeneity of the induction curve is due to the ability of DCMU to inhibit linear electron flow away from PSII (14, 15), or that it is a consequence of different degrees of connectivity between the light-harvesting complex and the PSII reaction center (26). Although no general agreement has yet been reached for the mechanism of this biphasicity, it is widely accepted that analysis of the induction curve provides a useful probe of PSII organization and function.Decay of the slow fluorescence kinetics is largely the result of two quenching mechanisms: quenching by the reoxidation of Q, which reflects the redox state of the electron transfer system, and quenching by other factors which are largely dependent upon the magnitude of the pH gradient across the thylakoid membrane (17). Slow fluorescence kinetics from leaves are intimately related to changes in the rates of lightdependent oxygen evolution and carbon metabolism (12,30).Delayed light emission is a result of the recombination of positive charges on the donor side of PSII with negative charges on the acceptor side. This charge recombination is sometimes considered to be a true reversal of the primary photoreaction of photosynthesis (18). Delayed light emission from PSI is thought to be much less than that from PSII (4, 27). Treatments such as heat, salt, electron transport inhibitors, etc., which alter the photosynthetic properties of PSII, will alter delayed light emission as well as Chl fluorescence...