The Streaked Optical Pyrometer (SOP) is a visible diagnostic widely used to study the warm dense matter regime at high energy laser facilities, gas guns, or ion accelerators. It is usually coupled with a Velocity Interferometer System for Any Reflector (VISAR) diagnostic for simultaneous shock wave velocity, reflectivity, and temperature measurements to study the Equation of State (EOS) of materials. While VISAR is a well-mastered technology that provides velocity measurements with low relative uncertainties (close to percent), SOP diagnostics still suffer from high imprecision. In this article, we present a new calibration method in order to obtain absolute temperature measurements with reduced uncertainties. This approach is based on a novel light source: a Ce:YAG luminescent concentrator pumped by LEDs. This device produces enough optical power for calibration at the nanosecond sweep duration of the streak camera. As a demonstration, it has first been installed at the LULI facility and tested on quartz samples shocked at temperatures above 4000 K.