a-Zeacarotene, isolated from corn glutcn, has been shown to have the same absolutc configuration at C(6) as natural (+)-cecarotetie. Chiroptical comparison was made with thc derived cc-apo-8-carotenole. The same chirality has bccn found with 6-, &-carotene, lutcin, semi-acarotenone, zeinoxanthin, crocoxanthin and /3,&-carotene-Z-ol. Therefore, biological cyclisation of the acyclic precursor t o the cc-ionone ring scems to he stereospccific and is probably different (enantiomeric) to that lcading t o p-ionone dcrivatives.Cotton effects of carotenoids have for thc first time been measured in the visible rcgion. A11 carotenoids examined with C(6)-R-chiralitp show a positive effect at their longest absorption band.