“…(From left to right and from top to bottom, units 1 × 10 −17 cm 2 and eV.) Experimental ionization cross sections σ (E) for Kr I-VI; black thick full curves: selected fits according to formula (1); Kr I: blue circles [29], green full [40], blue chain (not considered for the fit) [41], not shown [28] almost coincident with black curve; Kr II: red crosses [32], green broken [40] = [30]; Kr III: red crosses [32], blue squares [31], magenta stars [33] = [40]; Kr IV: red crosses [32], magenta stars [34] = [40]; Kr V: magenta circles [35], blue crosses [39]; Kr VI: magenta circles [35]. (From left to right and from top to bottom, units 1 × 10 −18 cm 2 and eV.)…”