“…The significant de-excitation channels are neutron emission and fission, although a small contribution from proton and alpha-particle emission channels has been also considered at energies E*>80 MeV for 2~ target nucleus (in the case of 238U this contribution turns out inessential). In the present calculation not all sucessive chance fission probabilities have been included, but only the firstchance and the significant contribution due to the secondchance fission probability, in such a way that, starting from a certain residual nucleus Z* ( ; ,Aft,E*), i=1, 2, 3 as before, the total fission probability expected for such a nucleus is obtained by (5) (superscripts denote here the order of the chance fission.) Since for excitation energies up to 140 MeV neutron emission predominates strongly over proton and alpha-particle emissions, it was sufficient to consider for the second-chance fission a residual nucleus formed from its precedent by loosing of one neutron.…”