The paper shows that a control strategy with unknown disturbance rejection is able to reduce the control effort to a minimum, ensuring at the same time a desired performance level. The disturbance to be rejected is completely unknown except for a sectorial bound. The control unit is endowed with an extended state observer which includes a disturbance dynamics, whose state tracks the unknown disturbance to be rejected. In summary, the novel contributions of the paper are the following. First, we derive a robust stability condition for the proposed control scheme, holding for all the nonlinearities that are bounded by a known (or estimated) maximum slope. Second, we propose a novel approach for designing the observer and state feedback gains, which guarantee robust closed-loop stability. Third, we show that the designed control system yields, with a minimum control effort, the same control performance as a robust state feedback control, which on the contrary may require a larger command activity. Two simulated case studies are presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.