Absolute values for the total, one-, two-, and three-electron-transfer cross sections for Ar + ions (8(q &16) colliding with argon at 2.3q keV laboratory energy were measured by the growth-rate method. The Arq+ ions were produced by the Cornell superconducting solenoid, cryogenic electronbeam ion source (CEBIS) and extracted at 2.3 kV. Selected charge states traversed a gas cell, after which they were detected and charge-state analyzed by the energy-retardation method and by a~/+2 cylindrical electrostatic analyzer. The target gas pressure in the cell was measured directly by the orifice Bow method used for absolute pressure-gauge calibration. The overall error in the Arq+ on Ar cross-section measurements is +10%.PACS number(s): 34.70.+e, 82.30.Fi, 82.20.Pm