Вісник проблем біології і медицини -2023 -Вип. 2 (169) / Bulletin of problems in biology and medicine -2023 -Issue 2 (169)
33ОГЛЯДИ ЛІТЕРАТУРИ / LITERATURE REVIEWS used indicators are supplemented with new ones, and a comprehensive approach based on indices is introduced. It is believed that efforts should be made to recognize intense oxidative stress in a timely manner in order to prevent or delay the development of free radical-related diseases and premature aging.Conclusions. The understanding of oxidative stress, from the initial view of the negative impact of an excess of reactive oxygen species, has developed into ideas about the oxidant-antioxidant balance and the need for its normal small shift to the side of oxidative processes to maintain homeostasis. This approach cautions medical professionals against excessive administration of exogenous antioxidants, which can disrupt this balance.