An influence of multi-line CO laser focusing on spectral characteristics of broadband sum-frequency generation in ZnGeP2 nonlinear crystal was experimentally and numerically studied. Maximal frequency conversion was experimentally observed under tight focusing of the multi-line rather than single-line CO laser. The tight focusing resulted in broadening sum-frequency generation spectrum and increasing total, i.e. integrated over the spectrum, frequency conversion efficiency. These effects were due to increasing phase-matching bandwidth and angular dispersion. Maximal conversion efficiency of the multi-line CO laser was numerically demonstrated to take place at the focal length of 0.4 times that for the single-line one.OCIS codes : (140.3490) Lasers, 190.2620 (Harmonic generation and mixing), 140.4130 (Molecular gas lasers) development of mid-IR lasers is very important for gas analysis, laser chemistry, medical and other applications [1]. A carbon monoxide laser (CO laser) is a unique gas laser that can operate in mid-IR on hundreds rotational-vibrational transitions in the wavelength interval from 4.6 [2] to 8.7 μm [3] in a single-lineor multi-line mode simultaneously emitting dozens of spectral lines (see, for instance [4]). Rich spectrum and high power of CO laser make it very attractive for covering mid-IR range by frequency conversion of CO laser radiation in non-linear crystals. For instance, a laser system consisting of CO and CO2 lasers and non-linear crystals operating within wavelength range from 2.5 to 16.6 μm was developed [4]. Such IR laser source would be useful in a variety of researches and applications including gas analysis and the atmosphere sensing [5].One more attractive point for CO laser research and applications is a noncritical spectral phase-matching in widely-known mid-IR nonlinear crystals such as ZnGeP2, GaSe, AgGaSe2 [6]. Due to noncritical spectral phase-matching, the broadband two-stage frequency conversion of multi-line CO laser radiation was obtained in ZnGeP2, [7,8] and AgGaSe2 [9] crystals. Similar method of broadband phase-matching frequency conversion was suggested for generation and amplification of ultra-short mid-IR laser pulses [10][11][12], which has many important applications, such as high harmonic generation [13], for instance.Phase-matching bandwidth of nonlinear crystal can be even more enhanced by introducing spectral angular dispersion. In this case the different spectral components propagate under different phase matching angles in nonlinear crystal [14][15][16], i. e. under socalled achromatic phase-matching. A simple way to introduce spectral angular dispersion is laser radiation tight focusing in nonlinear crystal. The achromatic phase-matching was applied for second harmonic generation of both multi-line CO2 laser radiation [14] and femtosecond pulses [15,16]. In this letter we studied an influence of laser beam focusing on spectral characteristics of broadband sum-frequency generation (SFG) of multi-line CO laser...