Pulse radiolysis of solutions of alkali metal ethylamides in ethylamine shows the formation of three distinct species; the solvated electron e,-, the alkali metal anion M-, and a species considered to be the cation-electron pair with stoichiometry M. The three species coexist in equilibrium in accord with the equations e,-+ M + (M +-e,-) o r M M + e,-MStudies of these solutions as a function of temperature, alkali metal concentration, and added complexing agents ("crown" compounds) show that e,-and M have distinct absorption spectra with the former having a maximum 2 1800 nm. The latter exhibit maxima at 1400 nm for Na and K, -1400 n m for Cs, and 1600-1700 nm for Li. The corresponding M -species were observed in sodium, potassium, and cesium solutions with absorption maxima at 680, 890, and 1100 nm, respectively. Rate and equilibrium constants for the formation of M and M -vary markedly with the nature of the alkali metal. Estimates for these constants along with the extinction coefficients for the various species are summarized and compared with data obtained in alkali metal solutions.La radiolyse pulsCe de solutions d7Cthylamidures de metaux alcalins dans I'ethylamine conduit a la formation de trois especes distinctes: I'Clectron solvat6 e,-, I'anion mttallique M -et une espkce considCrte comme ttant une paire de cation-&lectron de stoechiometrie M. Les trois especes coexistent en equilibre selon : librium according to the equations However, little is known about the equilibrium constants or the rate at which these equilibria are established. Interconversion of all three species has been observed in the flash photolysis of ethereal solutions (3-5) but prior to our earlier communication (6), no similar kinetic or optical evidence for the species M has been reported in amines. Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by on 05/09/18For personal use only.