DOI: 10.1158/1538-7445.am2014-4096
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Abstract 4096: A pilot study was initiated to determine if the immunomodulatory protein, the progesterone-induced blocking factor (PIBF), is present in higher quantity in the sera of patients with gynecologic cancer as compared to controls without cancer

Abstract: PIBF is a unique protein that is secreted by gamma/delta T cells and precipitously rises in the sera following progesterone (P) exposure. The 34 kDa protein protects the fetal semi-allograft from immune surveillance by reducing cytoxicity of natural killer (NK) cells by stabilizing perforin granules. The parent 90 kDa form occupies a centrosomal position close to BRCA-1. PIBF can be found in most rapidly dividing cells. One study found an over-expression of the mRNA for the PIBF protein in all 29 leukemia cell… Show more

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