The tumor microenvironment exhibits altered metabolic properties as a consequence of the needs of tumor cells, the natural selection of the most adapted clones, and the selfish relationship with other cell types. Beyond its role in supporting uncontrolled tumor growth, through energy and building materials obtention, metabolism is a key element controlling tumor immune evasion. Immunotherapy has revolutionized the treatment of cancer, being the first line of treatment for multiple types of malignancies. However, many patients either do not benefit from immunotherapy or eventually relapse. In this review we overview the immunoediting process with a focus on the metabolism-related elements that are responsible for increased immune evasion, either through reduced immunogenicity or increased resistance of tumor cells to the apoptotic action of immune cells. Finally, we describe the main molecules to modulate these immune evasion processes through the control of the metabolic microenvironment as well as their clinical developmental status.