Pacific Islander (PI) women experience disproportionately high rates of cervical cancer and mortality and have lower rates of Pap testing. Since up to 70% of cervical cancers could be prevented by being vaccinated for human papilloma virus (HPV), this crosssectional study explored the predictors of HPV and vaccine awareness, receipt of the vaccine, and attitudes toward vaccinating children among adult PI women in southern California, who historically have low rates of HPV vaccination and high rates of cervical cancer that could be prevented with HPV vaccination. Participants (n=148) consist a subsample of Chamorro, Samoan, and Tongan women, ages 21 to 65 years, who were in a larger randomized community study to promote Pap testing. Overall, younger age and higher American acculturation were significantly associated with ever hearing about HPV and the vaccine. However, American acculturation was also associated with negative attitudes toward vaccinating their children for HPV. This paper provides preliminary insights into barriers and facilitators to HPV vaccination among PIs in the USA and also informs the development of educational programs to reduce cervical cancer incidence and mortality in this underserved population.