Protein structure determination by solid-state NMR requires the measurement of many interatomic distances through dipole-dipole couplings. To obtain multiple long-range distance restraints rapidly and with high sensitivity, here we demonstrate a new 1 H-detected fast magicangle-spinning (MAS) NMR technique that yields many long distances in a 2D-resolved fashion. The distances are measured up to ~15 Å, with an accuracy of better than 10%, between 1 H and 19 F, two nuclear spins that have the highest gyromagnetic ratios. Exogenous fluorines are sparsely introduced into the aromatic residues of the protein, which is perdeuterated and back-exchanged to give amide protons. This 1 H-19 F distance experiment, termed 2D HSQC-REDOR, is demonstrated on the singly fluorinated model protein, GB1. We extracted 33 distances between 5-19 F-Trp43 and backbone amide protons, using 2D spectral series that were measured in less than 3 days. Combining these 1 H-19 F distance restraints with 13 C-19 F distances and chemical shifts, we calculated a GB1 structure with a backbone RMSD of 1.73 Å from the high-resolution structure. This 1 H-detected 1 H-19 F distance technique promises to provide a highly efficient tool for constraining the three-dimensional structures of proteins and protein-ligand complexes, with not only precise and fast measurements, but also access to truly long-range distances.