Context. Abundance anomalies have been observed in field sdB stars and in nearly all horizontal branch (HB) stars of globular clusters with T eff > 11 000 K, whatever be the cluster metallicity. Aims. We aim to determine the abundance variations that are expected in sdB stars and in HB stars of metallicities Z ≥ 10 −4 and investigate what the observed abundances teach us about hydrodynamical processes competing with atomic diffusion. Methods. Complete stellar evolution models, including the effects of atomic diffusion and radiative acceleration, have been computed from the zero age main-sequence for metallicities of Z 0 = 0.0001, 0.001, 0.004 and 0.02. On the HB the masses were selected to cover the T eff interval from 7000 to 37 000 K. Some 60 evolutionary HB models were calculated. The calculations of surface abundance anomalies during the horizontal branch depend on one parameter, the surface mixed mass. Results. For sdB stars with T eff < 37 000 K and for HB stars with T eff > 11 000 K in all observed clusters, independent of metallicity, we found that most observed abundance anomalies (even up to ∼× 200) were compatible, within error bars, with expected abundances. A mixed mass of ∼10 −7 M was determined by comparison with observations. Conclusions. Observations of globular cluster HB stars with T eff > 11 000 K and of sdB stars with T eff < 37 000 K suggest that most observed abundance anomalies can be explained by element separation driven by radiative acceleration occuring at a mass fraction of ∼10 −7 M . Mass loss or turbulence appear to limit the separation between 10 −7 M and the surface.Key words. stars: evolution -stars: horizontal-branch -stars: abundances -stars: Population II -subdwarfs
Astrophysical contextLarge abundance anomalies have been observed on the horizontal branch (HB) of NGC 6752, NGC 1904, NGC 2808, M 15, and M 13 (Behr et al. 1999Behr 2003;Moehler et al. 2000;Fabbian et al. 2005;Pace et al. 2006): whereas those stars cooler than about 11 000 K have the same composition as giants, those hotter than 11 000 K usually have larger abundances of some metals by large factors. This occurs in all clusters with sufficiently blue HB stars irrespective of their metallicity as defined by their giant branch stars.Field sdOB stars are observed to have large abundance anomalies compared with Pop I stars (for a review see Heber 2009). They were already recognized by Sargent & Searle (1968) to have a surface composition different from the one with which they formed. While cool (T eff < 10 4 K) field Pop II stars have low Z, the sdBs 1 which must come from the red giants often have iron peak abundances that are solar or even larger. While sdBs correspond to the blue end of the HB, the hotter sdO stars are apparently a mixed bag of post HB stars and other highly evolved evolutionary stages. Spectroscopically, sdOs have much Appendices are only available in electronic form at 1 We use the expression HB stars for horizontal branch stars in clusters, and sdB stars for those ...