“…The meroplankton richness captured by metabarcoding, with representatives from 12 phyla, 23 classes, 46 orders, and 65 families, included many organisms that have been previously reported from the CCZ or other deep-sea regions in the Pacific. Taxa such as Porcellanaster ceruleus , Oneirophanta setigera , Ophryotrocha, or Yoldiella have previously been observed as adults in related studies of megafauna/macrofauna from the same CCZ claim areas, while others ( Parameiropsis , Laonice, Macrostylis ) were recorded in other areas of the eastern and central CCZ (Cho, Wi & Suh, 2016; Amon et al, 2017b; Amon et al, 2017c; De Smet et al, 2017; Wiklund et al, 2017; Table 2). Sampled taxa that are known to occur in other areas of the deep Pacific include numerous polychaetes and several gastropods, as well as groups that are more infrequently reported as part of the meroplankton, such as scaphopods, entoprocts (parasitic/commensal), or myzostomids (parasitic) (Table 1, Fig.…”