“…The protocol, however, is not restricted to Gaussian since these tasks can be performed by a number of codes, some of them being open-source. The C, CT, and DP components from GAPT were calculated by the Placzek program using the equilibrium and additional 6N (for an N-atom molecule) distorted geometries (±0.01 Å on each Cartesian direction) by means of a well-known protocol described in detail elsewhere. ,, Hirshfeld atomic charges and dipoles, as well as CHELPG charges, were obtained by Gaussian’s default routines, with additional constraint for CHELPG to reproduce the correct molecular dipole moment given by the wavefunction (pop = (hirshfeld, chelpg, dipole)); this constraint applies only to CHELPG as Hirshfeld charges and atomic dipoles combined will naturally reproduce the dipole moment. CHELPG charges with additional intraatomic dipoles were obtained by means of the (pop = (chelpg, dipole, atomdip)) setup.…”