The paper reports on the role of the typical mapping errors in measurement of the lateral sheet current
distribution Iy(x)
in a superconducting tape. The sheet current is calculated indirectly, from the mapped data
of the self magnetic field of the superconducting layer. The field is generated by transport
or induced current in a tape. In model calculations examples of the influence of the
different types of errors on false shaping of the lateral sheet current profile are
given. The field mapping is made outside and over the tape. The lateral profile
Bz(x, z)
of the magnetic field component, perpendicular to the superconducting layer,
is input to the Biot–Savart inverse procedure. In the experiment we have used
superconducting tape as a sample and an InSb Hall probe with active surface
20 × 20 µm2
as a magnetic field sensor. We demonstrate the details, together with obstacles and errors
encountered in measurement and subsequent evaluation. The demonstrations serve for the
reader to be aware of limits in interpretation of the measured data and to overcome
the natural barrier in understanding, insight and use of this fruitful method.