he history of academic advising dates back to the 17th century where administrators and faculty members in colleges acknowledged that students require guidance outside the class regarding personal, moral, and academic issues. Over time, the informal guidance provided in colleges has been transformed into formal campus services offered by experts (Cook, 2009). However, the characteristics, roles, and responsibilities of academic advisors in higher education institutions are still debatable. Conflicting views about the roles and functions of academic advisors may result from various questions regarding who an advisor is, who an advisee is, what kind of training is provided to advisors, what the delivery type of the advising is, and which theoretical approach is being used by the advisors (Robbins, 2012). Oftentimes, the theoretical approaches used in academic advising and employing faculty members as advisors are related to the mission of the institutions. According to the prescriptive approach, the faculty member is the authority who tells students which courses to take and when to take them. Students are rather passive in the process. In developmental advising, on the other hand, the faculty perceive students as individuals who are motivated for their personal and professional development that are eager to develop a plan of study with the advisor rather than only having extrinsic motivation for grades (Christian & Sprinkle, 2013). Understanding this perception of the faculty, students would be more willing to take part in the academic advising process and contribute more to their own development. Moreover, as described by Barbuto, Ampirik Araflt›rma / Original Empirical Research www.yuksekogretim.org Bu çal›flman›n amac› Ankara'da bir devlet üniversitesinde uygulanan akademik dan›flmanl›k sürecine iliflkin ö¤rencilerin ve akademik dan›flmanl›k yapan ö¤retim üyelerinin görüfllerini incelemektir. Çal›flmada tarama ve iliflkisel araflt›rma desenleri kullan›lm›flt›r ve veriler çevrim içi anket yoluyla 130 akademik dan›flmandan ve 840 lisans ö¤rencisinden elde edilmifltir. Verilerin analizinde betimleyici ve ç›kar›msal istatistik yöntemleri kullan›lm›fl-t›r. Bulgular, akademik dan›flmanlar›n ve ö¤rencilerin bir akademik dönem içinde ço¤unlukla bir ya da iki kez görüfltüklerini ve bu görüflmelerin s›kl›kla ders kayd› ve ders onay› hakk›nda oldu¤unu göstermifltir. Akademik da-n›flmanl›k sürecine iliflkin akademik dan›flmanlar›n görüflleri, ö¤rencilerinkinden daha olumlu bulunmufltur. Ö¤rencilerin akademik dan›flmanl›¤a iliflkin memnuniyet düzeylerini yordayan faktörler aras›nda yüz yüze görüflmelerin s›kl›¤›, akademik dan›flmanl›k kapsam›nda yap›lan etkinliklerin say›s› ve akademik dan›flman›n özellikleri yer almaktad›r.