This explanatory quantitative study aims to analyze the effect of SIS-PENA literacy and Assessor Assessment Competency on the quality of PKBM accreditation either partially or simultaneously. Specifically, the purpose of this study is to analyze: (1) The effect of SISPENA literacy and Assessor Competence on the quality of PKBM accreditation in East Java. (2) The Effect of SISPENA Literacy on the Quality of PKBM Accreditation in East Java. (3) The influence of the KPKA assessment on the quality of PKBM accreditation in East Java, and (4) The effect of the visitation assessment on the quality of PKBM accreditation in East Java. This study involved 51 people from 60 PKBM cluster assessors in East Java. The sample selection was carried out by Proportional Random Sampling. The research data was collected by distributing questionnaires to all assessors, but 51 questionnaire packages were returned and filled in completely, while the other 9 questionnaire packages did not return. The research questionnaire used a Likert scale. The data that has been collected is then analyzed using the Multiple Regression technique using Jeffrey's Amazing Statistics Program (JASP) application version 15.00. The results of the study include: (1) There is a significant effect of SISPENA literacy and Assessor Assessment Competency on the quality of PKBM accreditation in East Java. (2) There is a significant influence of SIS-PENA Literacy on the Quality of PKBM Accreditation in East Java. (3) There is a significant effect of the KPKA assessment on the quality of PKBM accreditation in East Java., and (4) There is a significant effect of the visitation assessment on the quality of PKBM accreditation in East Java. This study concludes that partially or simultaneously assessor SISPENA literacy and assessor competence greatly affect the quality of PKBM accreditation results in East Java.