This book extends and completes the construction of the sciences of integrity begun in 2021, and continued at the 2nd IRAFPA International Colloquium in Coimbra, Portugal, 16-18 June 2022. Eleven most accomplished contributions attempt to answer the question of what these new frontiers of integrity are in a changing academic world. If we were to define a unity of tone between them, it would be that of frankness; a unity of analysis, that of rigour; a unity of vision, that of academic rigour; and a unity of character, that of lucid optimism. It is this optimism that allows us to believe that the integrity sciences movement, capable of addressing the personal, relational and systemic levels, is well and truly underway. The ground assumption of the editors is that multidisciplinarity is central and necessary. It is mainly through multidisciplinarity that intellectual propositions can be fully validated, through the subtle variations of disciplinary perspectives and levels of analysis. In order to ethically remain in our own zone of discomfort, we all need this cross-validation, which ensures that everyone,author and reader alike come to a same ground of understanding.