The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of library physical infrastructure, library technological facilities and library services on library patronage in academic libraries in Rivers State, Nigeria. The population of the study included registered library patrons in three universities in Rivers State. Correlational design was adopted for the study. Simple random sampling technique was used to sample 898 respondents. Two self-structured questionnaires titled "Availability of Library Facilities Scale (ALFAS)" and "Library Use Scale (LUS)" were used in data collection. Simple regression was used in data analysis. Results indicated that, based on adjusted R square, library physical structure accounted for 53.4% variation in library patronage while library technological facilities accounted for 66% of the variation. Library services accounted for 55.6% of variation in library patronage. It is concluded that library physical infrastructure, library technological facilities and library services have considerable influence on library patronage. Academic libraries are, therefore encouraged to invest in the provision and maintenance of these facilities in order to increase library patronage.