“…But how must I say "you have to accept it" if the neurologist says that perhaps the patient should be looked at by someone else" [37] "If I get a letter from the diagnostic centre with the comment "You request 10% more than the average GP in Maastricht", then you get critical. You wonder if we should wait a bit longer with this patient" [37] "If you're not going to order it, the next doctor will" [51] "He would see the cardiologist every three months and would get a stress test every year...When he came to see me...I had to tell him 'I don't think that that's necessary" [51] "A lot of tests get done that probably don't need to get done because our residents are afraid of not ordering something because they'll disappoint us" [51] Factor Articles Illustrative quotes Time constraints, (physical vulnerabilities and language barriers) † 13 articles [3,16,26,29,37,39,44,47,49,51,57,65,68] "Some days patients want tests that I feel are not necessary but I want to avoid discussions or I'm tired and I will order tests anyway" [29] "You see many exams ordered, "Rule out PE [pulmonary embolus]," and that's all that you have… we often just go ahead and do the exam, to be honest, because it ends up creating a lot of lost time" [39] "If you had enough time to do a thorough historytaking of all these people… People would say '"I think I've been well understood, listened to, and examined", and need far fewer further investigations. But that is much too time consuming" [37] "If I'm really busy and I have ten people in the waiting room, and if I feel pressured and overwhelmed, I can say,'Yep, here is a requisition for the MRI [magnetic resonance imaging], let's get it done and move along."…”