Abstract. Students are required to do assignments on time. But in reality they prefer to postpone doing assignments. Academic procrastination is the behavior of delaying doing academic assignments. This behavior has a negative impact on student achievement. One factor that influences this is personality. The theory which states that there are five forms of personality types developed by McCrae and Costa (1996) is called the Five Factor Model. The five personality traits are extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness. This research aims to find out how personality type influences academic procrastination among students in the city of Bandung. The research was conducted on 377 students using convenience sampling techniques. The measuring instrument used is the 28-item version of the Big Five Inventory (BFI) created by John (1990) which has been adapted by Ramadhani (2012) and the Academic Procrastination Scale (APS) created by McCloskey and Scielzo (2015) which has been adapted by Nurfadhillah (2022). . Multiple Linear Regression Analysis was used to see the influence of each Personality Type on academic procrastination. The results show that Personality Type has an influence on Academic Procrastination among students in Bandung City with a contribution value of 40.1%. The contribution of extraversion is 6.4%, the contribution of agreeableness is 1.5%, the contribution of conscientiousness is 0.5%, the contribution of neuroticism is 31.3%, and the contribution of openness to experience is 0.4%.
Abstrak. Mahasiswa dituntut untuk mengerjakan tugas tepat waktu. Tetapi keyataannya mereka lebih memilih untuk menunda mengerjakan tugas. Prokrastinasi Akademik ialah perilaku menunda mengerjakan tugas akademik. Perilaku ini mempunyai dampak negative terhadap prestasi mahasiswa. Salah satu factor yang mempengaruhinya ialah kepribadian. Teori yang menyatakan bahwa ada lima bentuk tipe kepribadian dikembangkan oleh McCrae dan Costa (1996) disebut Five Factor Model. Lima trait kepribadian tersebut ialah extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, dan openness. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh Tipe Kepribadian terhadap Prokrastinasi Akademik pada mahasiswa di Kota Bandung. Penelitian dilakukan kepada 377 mahasiswa dengan teknik convenience sampling. Alat ukur yang dipakai adalah Big Five Inventory (BFI) versi 28-item yang dibuat oleh John (1990) sudah diadaptasi oleh Ramadhani (2012) serta Academic Procrastination Scale (APS) dibuat oleh McCloskey dan Scielzo (2015) sudah diadaptasi Nurfadhillah (2022). Analisis Regresi Linear Berganda digunakan untuk melihat pengaruh setiap Tipe Kepribadian terhadap prokrastinasi akademik. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa Tipe Kepribadian memiliki pengaruh terhadap Prokrastinasi Akademik pada mahasiswa di Kota Bandung dengan nilai kontribusi sebesar 40,1%. Kontribusi extraversion sebesar 6,4 %, Kontribusi agreeableness sebesar 1,5 %, Kontribusi conscientiousness 0,5% , Kontribusi neuroticism 31,3% , dan Kontribusi openness to experience 0,4%.