As a result of the protective measures taken to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, studies at German universities were restructured. Students were forced to move into Home Study in the spring of 2020, with their daily study routine changing to predominantly online-based teaching methods and digital content delivery. The present study addressed the relation between coping with the Home Study situation and personality: The interrelations of the Big Five factors extraver-sion and conscientiousness with students' well-being, study satisfaction and academic performance were examined in 287 German online participants. The results showed significant positive correla-tions of positive affect and conscientiousness, as well as of better academic performance and aca-demic satisfaction. For Extraversion, also supporting evidence on the affective level emerged, alt-hough previous studies suggested negative influences of extraversion on affect in Home Study settings. Yet, in the present study, possibly due to the phase of the pandemic, extraversion corre-lated negatively with negative affect and showed positive correlation with positive affect. Further-more, neuroticism showed negative correlations with all constructs tested, indicating a negative influence on satisfaction, mood and performance also in Home study. In summary, conscientious students coped well with the challenge of the pandemic Home Study situation in terms of well-being, study satisfaction and academic performance. Extraverts were able to cope with the situa-tion better than expected, yet only regarding mood and affect, while neuroticism leads to unfavor-able effects in general. When making decisions about study conditions, the personalities of stu-dents should be considered, not to favor any negative effects for certain individuals.