Garcinia atroviridis dikenal sebagai asam gelugur sudah sejak lama digunakan manusia sebagai rempah dan obat tradisional. Manfaatnya berhubungan dengan senyawa metabolit sekunder dan bioaktivitas sebagai anti-obesitas, anti-inflamasi, anti mikroba, antioksidan dan anti kanker. Kandungan lemak berlebih dalam darah dapat memicu peningkatan radikal bebas dan penurunan aktivitas antioksidan sehingga menimbulkan stres oksidatif, yang selanjutnya dapat menyebabkan kerusakan hepar dengan terjadinya perubahan struktur histologis berupa steatosis. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan posttest, randomized control group design. Kebaruan penelitian ini karena meneliti tentang pengaruh ekstrak daun G.atroviridis terhadap steatosis hepar pada Rattus norvegicus obes dengan diet tinggi lemak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh berbagai kadar ekstrak daun G. atroviridis terhadap gambaran histopatologis hepar Rattus norvegicus obes yang diberi diet tinggi lemak (DTL), dibandingkan dengan pemberian obat Pioglitazon dan DTL atau hanya diet normal. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa kelompok III penerima ekstrak 10gr memiliki tingkat steatosis terbesar (70-80%, rata-rata 74%), sedangkan kelompok V penerima ekstrak 30gr terendah (30-45%, rata-rata). 35,6%). dan PIO pada Kelompok II (25-32 persen berarti 28 persen). Kesimpulan kelompok V dengan ekstrak 30gr (30% -45% rata-rata 35,6%) terbukti memiliki gambaran histologis jaringan hati dengan tingkat steatosis yang lebih rendah, menghasilkan temuan yang serupa dengan kelompok II dengan pemberian PIO (rata-rata 25-32 persen) rata-rata 28 %). Kata kunci: Diet Tinggi Lemak, Garcinia atroviridis, Obese, Steatosis AbstractGarcinia atroviridis known as asam gelugur has long been used by human as a spice and traditional medicine. Its benefits are associated with secondary metabolite compounds and bioactivity as anti-obesity, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, antioxidant and anti-cancer. Obesity is a condition of the body containing too much fat due to an imbalance of calories intake. Obesity is associated with low-level inflammation which is at risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetic mellitus, dyslipidemia, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Excess fat content in the blood can trigger the increase of free radicals and decrease the antioxidant activity, causing oxidative stress, which can further causes damages to the liver which changes the structure of the histologic picture by forming steatosis. This study used a posttest, randomized control group design. The novelty of this study is because it examines the effect of G.atroviridis leaf extract on hepar steatosis in Rattus norvegicus obes with a high-fat diet.This study aims to determine the effect of various levels of G. atroviridis leaves extract on the histopathological hepar picture of Rattus norvegicus obese with High Fat Diet (HFD) compared to the administration of pioglitazon and HFD or only a standart diet. The findings indicated that the group III recipients of the 10gr extract had the greatest levels of steatosis (70-80%, on average 74%), while the group V recipients of the 30gr extract had the lowest (30-45%, on average 35.6%). and PIO in Group II (25-32 percent mean 28 percent ). In group I formulations, steatosis was not seen. Group V with 30gr extract (30% -45% average 35.6%) was shown to have a histological appearance of liver tissue with a lower degree of steatosis, yielding findings similar to group II with PIO administration (25-32 percent average) mean 28%).Keywords: Garcinia atroviridis, High Fat Diet, Obese, Steatosis