The composition of the essential oil of Ligustrum japonicum leaves was determined by GC-MS analysis. The major constituents of L. japonicum leaf oil were germacrene D (40.50%), α-pinene (13.63%), (−)-β-elemene (6.42%), β-caryophyllene (5.73%), and δ-cadinene (5.47%). The acaricidal activities of L. japonicum oil were evaluated against acaridae and pyroglyphid mites. In the fumigant bioassay, the LD 50 values of L. japonicum oil were 16.48, 12.38, and 15.63 µg/cm 3 against Tyrophagus putrescentiae, Dermatophagoides farinae, and D. pteronyssinus, respectively. In the contact bioassay, the LD 50 values of L. japonicum oil were 8.02, 5.02, and 7.67 µg/cm 2 against T. putrescentiae, D. farinae, and D. pteronyssinus, respectively.Keywords acaricidal activity · Ligustrum japonicum · pyroglyphid mites · Tyrophagus putrescentiaeThe significance of acaridae mite, Tyrophagus putrescentiae (storage mite), and pyroglyphid mites, Dermatophagoides farinae and D. pteronyssinus, with regard to allergic diseases is known in the world (Arlian, 1989). These mites are the most serious factors of allergens, causing asthma and atopic dermatitis . Acaridae and pyroglyphid mites have been known to be the hygienic pests for storage products and apartment dusts and are important allergen factors within stored grains and apartment environments in the humid areas (Azima et al., 2011). Stored grains, wall-to-wall carpeting, and space heating in the lifestyle of humans have promoted favorable environmental conditions for the growth of acaridae and pyroglyphid mites (Yang et al., 2013). The population of acaridae and pyroglyphid mites has preferentially been controlled by synthetic acaricide such as N,N-diethyl-mtoluamide (DEET). However, repeated attempts of synthetic acaricides have resulted in residual toxicity and resistance (Jeon and Lee, 2011). These problems have pointed the need for the development of effective acaricides against acaridae and pyroglyphid mites .Ligustrum japonicum Thunb. (Oleaceae) is known as Wax Privet originating from Korea and Japan. This tree has a thick covering of green leaves throughout the whole year, making it an evergreen plant. The L. japonicum flowers are followed by black fruits in June. The fruit is an oval drupe ripening in purple-black color with a glaucous bloom in December. Previous studies have indicated that L. japonicum flowers are abundant in active materials responsible for aldose reductase inhibition (Papoti et al., 2011), antibacterial (Doh, 2010, and antioxidant (Papoti et al., 2011) effects. It contains α-terpinolene, hotrienol, 2-methoxyphenol, benzenemethanol, and tricosane (Lim et al., 2008). However, there are a few studies on the acaricidal effects of the L. japonicumderived materials against acaridae and pyroglyphid mites. To analyze the composition of the essential oils obtained from L. japonicum leaves, the volatile constituents of L. japonicum oil were identified by GC-MS to assess the acaricidal effects. Sample preparation and GC-MS analysis. L. japonicum leaves were purch...