as low as 35 mg/dl to 172 mg/dl ( 2 ). We have recently studied the HDL levels, composition, and some properties of the particles derived from C57BL6 (C57) and FVB/N (FVB) mice ( 3 ). These strains differ in apoA-I (two amino acid differences) and apoA-II (three amino acid differences). The inbred mouse strains C57BL6 and FVB/N have been widely studied owing to their differing susceptibilities to atherosclerosis, the C57 being one of the most athero-susceptible mouse strains, whereas the FVB is highly resistant ( 4 ). These two mouse strains differ greatly in their plasma cholesterol levels, with wild-type FVB mice having HDL levels 2-fold higher than those of wild-type C57 mice. FVB HDL contains about twice as much apoA-II as C57 HDL. Neither hepatic synthesis of apoA-I nor HDL turnover appears to account for the difference in cholesterol levels ( 3 ).Plasma HDL-cholesterol is derived from two major sources: endogenously synthesized cholesterol, mostly in the liver, and HDL-cholesterol that is obtained from the intestine and largely contributed by the diet. In humans, the diet contributes roughly 50% of the plasma cholesterol, whereas in mice, it is closer to 30% ( 5, 6 ). In recent years, much has been learned of the factors controlling the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine. In humans, cholesterol absorption effi ciency varies greatly within a population ( 7-9 ). The same has been found true among inbred strains of rabbits, rats, and mice, indicating genetic regulation of cholesterol absorption ( 10-18 ). Crosses of mouse strains that vary in their cholesterol absorption effi ciencies have shown that the genetic regulation is found at the enterocyte level ( 16,17 ). Schwarz et al. ( 16 ) identifi ed seven quantitative trait loci that affect intestinal cholesterol absorption in mice; however, the identity of the specifi c genes is not known. Several genes are known to infl uence the multi-step process of cholesterol absorption, which involves the deesterifi cation of cholesteryl ester and bile salt solubilization in the intestinal lumen. The transporters NPC1L1 and CD36 have been shown to be involved in the