Magnesium (Mg) is the most reactive engineering material and corrosion protection continues to be an issue of great importance. [1][2][3][4] This note builds on prior reviews [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] and our research on Mg corrosion. [1,2, The corrosion performance of Mg alloys results from (1) the high intrinsic dissolution tendency of Mg, which is only weakly inhibited by corrosion product films and (2) the presence of impurities and second phases acting as local cathodes and thus causing local microgalvanic acceleration of corrosion.The corrosion mechanism includes all physical features and chemical reactions when metallic Mg is exposed to an environment. Our prior work [2,5,11,12] has indicated that the Mg corrosion mechanism has the following key points. In the general case, a partially protective film covers the surface of Mg and Mg dissolution occurs at breaks in this film. Hydrogen (H) evolution is associated with Mg dissolution in two separate ways. (a) An electrochemical reaction, Equation 1, balances the Mg dissolution reaction, Equation 2. (b) H is also produced directly by the reaction of Mg + with water, Equation 3.The overall reaction consumes H + and produces OH -, i.e. the pH increases, which favours the formation of Mg hydroxide film by the precipitation reaction. Mg has a negative corrosion potential, with a slightly more negative pitting potential, in solutions of practical importance like 3 % NaCl. The chance development of areas of localized corrosion leads to undermining and falling out of particles of Mg, even for the corrosion of pure Mg.
New Insights: Mg +There continues to be some controversy as to the existence of Mg + as an intermediate in the reaction sequence between metallic Mg and Mg 2+ , the stable Mg ionic species in aqueous solutions. The evidence in support of the existence of Mg + is strong but circumstantial. The evidence in favor is based on the fact that the simplest possible reaction sequence, which includes Reactions 2 and 3, is consistent with all the experimental evidence, particularly the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. [12] It is also supported by the observations of Song and co-workers [5,16,19] that the Mg corrosion mechanism involves "anodic H evolution" which is different to "cathodic H evolution".Negative Difference Effect (NDE): Mg has an exceedingly strange phenomenon, the negative difference effect (NDE). The NDE continues to receive considerable discussion. The NDE has been defined in our previous publications [1,2,5,11,12] in terms of the difference D:where I s is the spontaneous rate of the H evolution reaction (HER) on the Mg surface at the free corrosion potential, I H,m is the measured HER rate for an applied galvanostatic current I appl , which is equal to I appl I Mg;m À I H;m 5where I Mg,m is the measured rate of Mg corrosion. For most metals like Fe and Zn, in an acid solution, when the potential is increased, the anodic dissolution rate increases and the cathodic H evolution rate decreases. For these cases, D is greater than zero because I ...