Long-range, high-speed, free-space LIDAR systems face challenges from ambient background noise. Maximizing the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is vital for extending the range and increasing the scanning speed. One effective strategy in steered LIDAR systems is using field-of-view (FOV) filtering to retain signals and suppress noise. Pixel-based approaches with sensitive detector arrays are costly, especially at near-infrared wavelengths. This work employs a digital micromirror device (DMD) as a pseudo-pixel array. It redirects signal light to a single-pixel detector while routing noise light to a beam dump. This work explores a simple experimental setup to explore the DMD's range improvement potential. Ambient noise rejections ratios greater than 20 were exhibited using a 6×6 pseudo-pixel array on the DMD, resulting in a 1.97 fold range improvement in a theoretical LIDAR system. This approach thus offers a means of enhancing long-range, high-speed, free-space LIDAR systems.
Introduc onLIDAR is a technology which has seen rapid integration into different fields ranging from autonomous vehicles 1 , defence 2 and metrology 3 . Part of what has driven this integration is the growing commercial availability of extremely sensitive detectors such as single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs) and silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) 4 . Another desirable property of a LIDAR system which will further drive integration is for the system to be solid-state i.e. have no moving parts. Such an approach offers greater resilience to vibrations, improved reliability, faster steering and be made more compact than conventional mechanical approaches 5 . A solid-state approach does however face steep hurdles, particularly in achieving long ranges at high framerates and resolutions.The fundamental challenge in highly sensitive free-space LIDAR is the strong ambient background noise presented by sky radiance and the sun. Filtering out this noise is thus essential for long-range applications. A convenient method for achieving this is to collect light using the same steering system as the transmitted beam. However, solid-state steering approaches often struggling with aperture sizes and throughput efficiencies 5 , limiting the ability of the system to detect the small number of returned photons at long distances.A practical alternative approach is using an array of detectors and imaging the observed field-of-view (FOV) onto them. Each individual detector only sees a small part of the total FOV meaning only a small part of the total noise is incident on each. As the signal will be concentrated at a known part of the FOV in a steered LIDAR system, the entire signal will be incident on a single detector. This is visualised in figure 1. In principle, this approach offers ambient light rejection that scale linearly with the number of detectors that make up the array.However, using an array of highly sensitive detectors can bring with it its own issues. Photodiodes are well suited for an array approach, with both avalanche photodiodes (APDs) and SPADs cap...