In Southeast Asia, mynas (genus Acridotheres) are amongst the most invasive bird species. Information is largely lacking as to where they have established themselves. The spread of invasive, non-native mynas is partially or largely driven by the massive trade in these species as songbirds. While preventing unintentional introductions early is the most effective management option, these species continue to be traded in bird markets throughout the region. We focus on the trade of native and non-native species of mynas, and the establishment of non-native mynas on the Indonesian islands of Java, Bali, and Lombok. Between 2016 and 2019, through field surveys and use of citizen science data (e.g., Burungnesia, iNaturalist, birding reports), we assessed where non-native mynas have been recorded in the wild on these three islands; through bird market surveys we established in which cities these birds are traded. We recorded common myna in Yogyakarta, one of our three survey areas. Combining all records, the areas where alien invasive mynas are established are Greater Jakarta (common and jungle myna), Yogyakarta (common myna), Bali (common and bank myna) and Lombok (common and Javan myna). Two-thirds of the records come from farmlands, home gardens and urbanised areas. In the bird markets, we recorded ~ 23,000 mynas of five species for sale, with Greater Jakarta, Bali and Lombok standing out as areas with high numbers of potentially invasive alien species offered for sale. Restrictions on the sale of wild-caught birds are not adhered to. Well-intended policies concerning the breeding and sale of legally protected species, whereby 10% of the stock is bred to be released in the wild, exacerbate the risk of the establishment of non-native species. We surmise that one of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of the accidental or deliberate release of potentially invasive alien mynas (and indeed other birds) into the wild is for governments and conservationists to work more closely with the retailers who hold the key to informing and educating consumers.