TECHNICAL ABSTRACT (Limit to space provided)Statement of the problem or situation that is being addressed -typically, one to three sentences.With the U.S. experimental effort in HEP largely located at laboratories supporting the operations of large, highly specialized accelerators, the understanding and prediction of high energy particle accelerators becomes critical to the overall success of the DOE HEP program. One area in which small businesses can contribute to the ongoing success of the U.S. program in HEP is through innovations in computer techniques and sophistication in the modeling of high-energy accelerators. A specific newly identified problem lies in the simulation and optimization of FFAGs and related devices, for which currently available tools originally developed for other purposes provide only approximate and inefficient simulation. We propose to develop a set of tools for this purpose based on modern techniques and simulation approaches.General statement of how this problem is being addressed. This is the overall objective of the combined Phase I and Phase II projects.The simulation framework of the code COSY INFINITY is highly accurate, efficient and well-developed with a large user base, and provides powerful tools for global, non-local optimization. For the specific problem at hand, new tools need to be developed that can describe the complex specific electromagnetic fields, including high-order fringe fields, edge effects, and general field profiles, and that can accommodate the necessary very large emittance of the beam by dynamic subdivision of the phase space. In order to simplify design needs, modern global, non-local optimization techniques will be connected to the tools to allow efficient probing of the usually very high dimensional parameter space. User-friendly interfaces will also be developed to enhance the audience and lessen the expertise typically required in the use of accelerator codes.What will be done in Phase I -typically, two to three sentences. Phase I will consist of the development of a bare-bones prototype of the core numerical engines necessary for the task, including the ability to treat arbitrary field arrangements, computation of local closed orbits, tunes, tune shifts, and parameter optimization, as well as analysis and benchmarking of their performance characteristics.COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS AND OTHER BENEFITS as described by the applicant. (Limit to space provided).The development of broad, highly-accurate accelerator models with powerful optimization tools and user-friendly interfaces and graphics will not only aid in the critical development of new accelerators for the core mission of the DOE HEP program, but also promote the transfer of accelerator technology into commercial and medical applications such as hadrontherapy, neutron and light sources, and other potential markets for accelerators. The development of broad, highly-accurate accelerator models with powerful optimization tools and user-friendly interfaces will enhance not only the HEP program but al...