The rpoS gene codes for an alternative RNA polymerase sigma factor, which acts as a general regulator of the stress response. Inactivating alleles of rpoS in collections of natural Escherichia coli isolates have been observed at very variable frequencies, from less than 1% to more than 70% of strains. rpoS is easily inactivated in nutrient-deprived environments such as stab storage, which makes it difficult to determine the true frequency of rpoS inactivation in nature. We studied the evolutionary history of rpoS and compared it to the phylogenetic history of bacteria in two collections of 82 human commensal and extraintestinal E. coli strains. These strains were representative of the phylogenetic diversity of the species and differed only by their storage conditions. In both collections, the phylogenetic histories of rpoS and of the strains were congruent, indicating that horizontal gene transfer had not occurred at the rpoS locus, and rpoS was under strong purifying selection, with a ratio of the nonsynonymous mutation rate (Ka) to the synonymous substitution rate (Ks) substantially smaller than 1. Stab storage was associated with a high frequency of inactivating alleles, whereas almost no amino acid sequence variation was observed in RpoS in the collection studied directly after isolation of the strains from the host. Furthermore, the accumulation of variations in rpoS was typical of source-sink dynamics. In conclusion, rpoS is rarely inactivated in natural E. coli isolates within their mammalian hosts, probably because such strains rapidly become evolutionary dead ends. Our data should encourage bacteriologists to freeze isolates immediately and to avoid the use of stab storage.T he rates of recombination and mutation in a genome are critical issues because the diversity generated by these mechanisms is the substrate for selection. Some regions of bacterial chromosomes are more prone to mutation (1-4) or recombination (5) than other regions, due to physical or physiological constraints. Then, selection can favor diversification, for example, that of cell surface proteins such as beta barrel porins (6), and recombination events, which can restore particular functions, as in the case of the mismatch repair (MR) genes (7,8).There is growing evidence that selection also acts on central regulators to allow adaptation by rewiring of networks. In vitro experimental models of Escherichia coli evolution have shown that adaptation occurs through modifications of global regulatory networks, which are often interconnected (9-13). These networks control DNA superhelicity (12), the stringent response (12), and the general stress response, via RpoS (9, 10, 13). RpoS is an alternative sigma factor of RNA polymerase that regulates more than 10% of E. coli genes and plays a critical role in survival under conditions of exposure to several types of stress, including acid, heat, and oxidative stress (14,15). A particular case of in vitro evolution is the inactivation of crl (which modulates the balance between different sigma f...