Doubly intractable distributions arise in many settings, for example in Markov models for point processes and exponential random graph models for networks. Bayesian inference for these models is challenging because they involve intractable normalising "constants" that are actually functions of the parameters of interest. Although several computational methods have been developed for these models, each can be computationally burdensome or even infeasible for many problems. We propose a novel algorithm that provides computational gains over existing methods by replacing Monte Carlo approximations to the normalising function with a Gaussian process-based approximation. We provide theoretical justification for this method. We also develop a closely related algorithm that is applicable more broadly to any likelihood function that is expensive to evaluate. We illustrate the application of our methods to challenging simulated and real data examples, including an exponential random graph model, a Markov point process, and a model for infectious disease dynamics. The algorithm shows significant gains in computational efficiency over existing methods, and has the potential for greater gains for more challenging problems. For a random graph model example, we show how this gain in efficiency allows us to carry out accurate Bayesian inference when other algorithms are computationally impractical.Gaussian processes have been widely used for interpolation in spatial statistics (Krige, 1951, Cressie, 2015, as well as in "computer model emulation", to approximate the relationship between input parameters and the output of a complex computer model (cf. Sacks et al., 1989, Kennedy andO'Hagan, 2001). We show how Gaussian processes are very effective in our twostage approximation, and how our method may be useful in addressing inferential challenges for doubly intractable distributions. We also describe a second algorithm that is applicable in principle to a much wider class of problems -Bayesian inference when the likelihood function (not just its normalising function) is difficult to evaluate.The outline of the remainder of this paper is as follows. In Section 2 we describe existing Bayesian algorithms for intractable normalising functions and discuss their computational chal-