Large increases in fluxes of energetic ions from a few tens to hundreds of keV are commonly observed in the magnetotail in association with dipolarization events and substorms. While most of the observations could not distinguish protons from heavier ions, several of the early studies already indicated significant flux increases of energetic O + ions correlated with activity (e.g., Fritz & Wilken, 1976;Ipavich et al., 1984;Möbius et al., 1987). More recently, Kronberg et al. (2015) used seven years of Cluster observations in the plasma sheet to study fluxes of oxygen ions and protons at energies from 274 to 955 keV. Compared with protons, the distribution of energetic oxygen was found to have stronger dawn-dusk asymmetry related to geomagnetic activity. Significant intensity increases at the near-Earth duskside tail were found to be correlated with disturbed geomagnetic conditions, enhanced solar wind dynamic pressure, and southward IMF. They concluded this to indicate effective inductive acceleration mechanisms and a strong duskward drift. Maggiolo and Kistler (2014) also documented significant amounts of O + at 1-40 keV in the plasma sheet correlated with geomagnetic activity and solar EUV flux.A large number of investigations have documented the important, and sometimes dominant, contribution of O + ions to the total pressure in geomagnetic storms or generally active conditions (e.g.,