Abstract-This paper presents a detailed study of the vibrations on the surface of the neck during a vocalization of predefined fundamental frequency and intensity. This study was carried out as part of a wider investigation into the use of laryngeal vibrations as a channel of communication. Another potential application of this study is in identifying a suitable location for a hands-free electro-larynx for laryngectomees.An analog accelerometer, with dimensions 5x5x1.6mm and of mass 80mg, was used to perform the measurements. It was connected to a 12-bit analog-to-digital converter via single strands of insulated wire with a diameter of 100μm. The resulting low inertia of the measuring device minimized the effect of the measuring device on the phenomenon under investigation. The analog-to-digital converter simultaneously sampled the accelerometer output and a pre-amplified audio signal from a microphone.This preliminary study was carried out on two able-bodied male subjects. Measurements were taken from forty-five preselected locations on the neck. Each subject made the vowel sound /i/ (long 'e') at three different fundamental frequencies,