E-commerce is internet based business activity, such as online retail activity. In Saudi Arabia, e-commerce has not kept pace with the global growth of online shopping. In order to find the reasons for low participation in ecommerce, this study explored the influence of several cultural factors in Saudi Arabia related to age, gender, and computer proficiency. Hypotheses were developed for the demographic and cultural factors influencing the adoption of e-commerce in Saudi Arabia based on the literature review. To test the hypotheses, data were collected by means of an online questionnaire. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive statistics, K-means clustering, and hypothesis testing through Chi-square tests. Three categories of online shoppers were identified during the analysis. The study found that factors related to age, gender, and computer proficiency influenced the adoption and use of online shopping in the kingdom. Three kinds of online retail participants were found: high frequency users, moderate frequency users, and low frequency users. High frequency users were usually young people, with a relatively higher percentage of women showing superior skill in shopping online. Moderate users were mostly male and middle aged, and their ICT knowledge was moderate. Low frequency male and female users were most likely to be between the ages of 18 and 24. This study will potentially assist professionals interested in services supported by ICT, the wider business community, and the government in undertaking comprehensive, effective, and sustainable solutions for the betterment of ecommerce in Saudi Arabia.