Herein we report an ovel synthetic entry to the legendary quinuclidine natural products quinine and quinidine.T he developed strategy is based on the use of as ymmetrical and nonstereogenic precursor to access quinine and quinidine through a" local-desymmetrization" approach,i n stark contrast conceptually to the preparation of stereodefined disubstituted piperidines (or their acyclic precursors) as featured in all past syntheses.T he developed strategy also provided quinine and quinidine derivatives that could not be readily obtained through previous total syntheses or by modification of the naturally occurring substances.Quinine and quinidine are two flagship alkaloid natural products that have captivated the imaginations of generations of organic chemists,with respect to both their synthesis [1] and applications in asymmetric catalysis. [2] In the former context, although both natural products are abundant in natural and commercial supply,s ynthetic studies dedicated toward quinine and quinidine remain vibrant today more than 70 years after the landmark achievement of Woodward and Doering. [1a] On the other hand, the application of these "pseudoenantiomeric" gifts of nature in asymmetric transformations has often delivered enantiomeric products with comparable levels of optical purity,while novel analogues of quinine and quinidine continue to emerge particularly in the context of multifunctional catalysis. [3] With great appreciation for the valuable lessons from the past quinine/quinidine syntheses, [1] and as part of our continued investigations in desymmetrization-based target-oriented synthesis, [4] we embarked on ar esearch program aimed at the development of an ovel and divergent strategy for both quinine and quinidine and designed analogues.Upon cursory examination, ac ommon feature shared by the past quinine/quinidine syntheses is the early preparation of astereodefined disubstituted piperidine or astereocenterbearing acyclic piperidine precursor (Figure 1a). More specifically,a ll of these synthetic endeavors required thoughtful orchestration of diastereocontrol, whereby some met with more difficulties than others.W ef urther recognized that the relative stereochemical arrangement within quinine (1)a nd quinidine (2)( more precisely,q uinine and ent-quinidine) simply differs in the spatial relationship between the methoxyquinoline domain and the vinyl substituent ("syn"or"anti", Figure 1b). These observations prompted us to propose ah ypothetical symmetrical and nonstereogenic precursor 3 that may offer synthetic entry to both quinine (1)a nd Figure 1. a) Reported intermediates and their diastereochemical integrity in the synthesis of quinine (1)a nd quinidine (2); b) structural comparison between quinine (1)a nd quinidine( 2); c) proposed divergent synthetic strategy towards quinine (1)and quinidine (2) based on a"local-desymmetrization" approach. Bz = benzoyl, TBS = tert-butyldimethylsilyl, TBDPS = tert-butyldiphenylsilyl, Teoc = 2-(trimethysilyl)ethyloxycarbonyl.