Background: We performed a preclinical study to assess the feasibility of the cervical-transoral robotic pharyngectomy procedure in surgery for nasopharyngeal cancer, where deep margins and vascular safety are key issues. Materials and methods: Four cadaveric dissections were performed with the da Vinci Xi system. The first step was a robotic parapharyngeal dissection along the internal carotid artery (ICA). The second step was a type 3 transoral robotic nasopharyngectomy.Results: In each procedure, a comprehensive dissection of the parapharyngeal space was performed along the ICA up to the foramen lacerum. A type 3 nasopharyngectomy was performed transorally with an "en-bloc" removal of the parapharyngeal space, and with complete removal of the eustachian tube up to its bony part.Conclusion: A comprehensive cervical-transoral robotic type 3 nasopharyngectomy with "en-bloc" removal of the parapharyngeal space and the eustachian tube proved to be technically feasible in a preclinical study.
K E Y W O R D Sinternal carotid artery, nasopharyngeal cancer, nasopharyngectomy, preclinical study, transoral robotic surgery