Inclusive tourism has gained increasing attention as a means to provide accessible and enriching experiences for diverse groups of visitors. This study aims to identify the determinants of inclusive tourism in Borobudur Temple, a renowned Buddhist heritage site in Indonesia, using a mixed-methods approach. The research integrates qualitative and quantitative methods, employing descriptive analysis, a survey with 305 respondents, validity and reliability assessments, as well as confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) conducted with SPSS and JASP tools. The qualitative phase involves in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with various stakeholders. Following the qualitative phase, a survey is conducted to quantitatively measure the identified determinants of inclusive tourism. A structured questionnaire is administered to 305 visitors to Borobudur Temple, incorporating Likert-scale items related to the identified themes. Descriptive analysis is used to summarize the responses and provide an overview of visitors’ perceptions of inclusive tourism. The validity is assessed through content validity, ensuring the questionnaire items adequately represent the construct of inclusive tourism. Reliability is evaluated using internal consistency measures, such as Cronbach’s alpha, to examine the consistency and stability of the questionnaire’s items. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) is conducted to test the measurement model and assess the fit between the data and the proposed theoretical framework. Additionally, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) is employed to explore the underlying factor structure of the determinants of inclusive tourism, further refining the measurement model and identifying potential new factors or dimensions Additionally, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) is employed to explore the underlying factor structure of the determinants of inclusive tourism, further refining the measurement model and identifying potential new factors or dimensions.