The correlation between the longitudinal polarization of a fragmenting quark and the transverse momenta of the produced hadrons was predicted over two decades ago. Nevertheless, experimental searches in the electron-positron annihilation process, both through the so-called jet handedness measurements by the SLD Collaboration and more recently via the measurements of the azimuthal asymmetry containing the helicity-dependent dihadron fragmentation function (DiFF) by the BELLE Collaboration, did not yield a signal. We will first discuss our recent explanation of the zero result at BELLE, and the two new methods for accessing the helicity-dependent DiFFs both in the electron-positron annihilation experiments, and in the semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering (SIDIS) experiments with a longitudinally polarized target. We will also for the first time describe yet another, new method for accessing the helicity-dependent DiFFs in SIDIS using polarized beam asymmetry. Finally, we will present a new Monte Carlo calculation of the specific Fourier moments of the helicity-dependent DiFF entering in to the new asymmetries, performed within the extended quark-jet model, and compare the results to those for the interference DiFF.