r: This study investigated whether curriculum modifications predicted student and teacher behaviors related to the general education curriculum and if there were differences in ecolo^cal, student, and teacher variables depending on the presence of such curriculum modifications. The study observed 45 high school students with disabilities during instruction in core content areas. Findings indicated that there were significant differences in student and teacher variables depending on the presence of curriculum modifications. When curriculum modifications were provided, students were engaged in more academic-related responses and fewer competing behaviors and teachers were engaged in fewer classroom management activities. Implications and recommendations fiom these findings are provided pertaining to the importance and implementation of curriculum modifications for students with disabilities in general education setting. E nabling .students to gain access plementary aids and services and special education to and make progress in the services to students with disabilities to promote general education curriculum such outcomes (IDEA 2004, Sec.602[a][19], has become a core requirement I4l4[dl; Sec.602[341[A]). Consequently, research of federal law governing educa-has been conducted evaluating practices intended tional services for students with disabilities. Ihe to promote access to and examining factors related 1997 amendments to the Individuals With Dis-to students' academic progress in the general eduabilities Education Act (IDEA 97), and subse-cation curriculum. Such practices and factors typiquently the 2004 amendments, required schools cally examined include (a) specially designed to institute policies and practices to promote instruction, including modifications to instrucinvolvement with and progress in the general lional practices and curricular materials; (b) stueducacion curriculum, including providing sup-dent and teacher variables hypothesized to be Exceptional Children 2A3