Road traffic accident (RTA) frequently involves multi-level society and this has become a demanding community issue where more serious participation is needed to improve driver's attitude in the future. RTA has a significant impact on quality of life and financial burden to the government and Malaysian society. Currently, there is limited local evidence supporting the elements of driver's attitudes. This concept paper will discuss a potential method to be used in developing valid and sensitive driver's evaluation. This evaluation may help the government of Malaysia to produce better road users in the future) Masuri, M.G., / Journal of ASIAN Behavioural Studies (jABs), 3(9) Jul / Aug 2018 (p.141-148) 142
IntroductionAccident involving road transport has a momentous impact on person, government and our society. According to Malaysian Institute of Road Safety (MIROS), a model has been predicted the fatalities for the year 2015 are 8,760, while for the year of 2020 will be increased to 10,716 (Sarani, Rahim, Jamilah Mohd Marjan, & Wong Shaw Voon, 2012). The number of RTA is increasing and addresses significant demands for better action. Many studies had proven that, drivers factor was identified as a significant contribution to RTA. Driving is an intricate daily activity that involves active eye, hand and foot coordination. Drivers who fail to organize and interact with the machine and environment may lead to road traffic injury (RTI) . According to (Alert Driving Megazine, 2011), 90% of road traffic accidents were caused by human error. This made the human error as an important ergosystem component that need to be further investigate. Road users who use the road either for leisure or work purposes usually exposed to the risk of accident/injury. With regards to driving assessment, there are many drivers related assessment available worldwide and these they were varies from one and another.
Literature ReviewValid and reliable assessment is vital. It will help to determine appropriate intervention and rehabilitation plan. Unfortunately, there is no local assessment available to assess Malaysian driver's attitude towards safe driving behavior. It is impossible to create single attitude assessment related to driving that fits to all due to the complexity of human behavior including driving activity itself, yet 'local norm' related to high/low risk drivers should be establish as fundamental references for further research. Many studies has proven that, attitudes rarely present the synchronize behavior. Attitudes can be presented either in positive or negative form. Even though attitude and behavior were not usually straightforward and they are sensitive according to social situation, but, attitude assessment can be used to predict future behavior (Iversen, 2004). Attitude also has significant relationship with our beliefs (Eagly, Mladinic, & Otto, 1994). According to (Eagly & Chaiken, 1993), attitudes can be defined as "…tendency to evaluate an entity with some degree of favor or disfavor, ordinaril...