The nitrogen concentration usually decreases in elevated [CO 2 ] (Wong 1979;Hocking & Meyer 1985;Hocking & Meyer 1991a, 1991bColeman et al. 1993;Pettersson, MacDonald & Stadenburg 1993;Rogers et al. 1993;McKee & Woodward 1994;Jacob, Greitner & Drake 1995;Nie et al. 1995;Poorter et al. 1997), indicating that nitrogen uptake lags behind carbohydrate synthesis and growth in elevated [CO 2 ]. The effect of elevated [CO 2 ] on the nitrate uptake rates per unit root weight is rather variable and apparently depends on the nitrogen concentration supplied (Larigauderie, Reynolds & Strain 1994) and the species. Whereas elevated [CO 2 ] increased the rate of nitrate uptake per unit root weight in loblolly pines (Bassirirad et al. 1996) and Prosopis glandulosa (Bassirirad et al. 1997), it did not alter nitrate uptake in Nardus agrostis (Bassirirad et al. 1997), and it decreased nitrate uptake in a mixed field community (Jackson & Reynolds 1996). Although nitrate uptake might be improved in elevated [CO 2 ] because plants possess more roots and exploit a larger soil volume (see, e.g. Stulen & den Hertog 1993;Pettersson et al. 1993;Jackson & Reynolds 1996), the decreased water flow in elevated [CO 2 ] will tend to decrease the root surface concentrations of nitrate (Van Vuuren et al. 1997).The organic nitrogen concentration decreases in elevated [CO 2 ] (Wong 1979;Curtis, Drake & Whigham 1989;Garbutt, Williams & Bazzaz 1990;Coleman et al. 1991;Hocking & Meyer 1991a, 1991bColeman & Bazzaz 1992;Gries, Kimball & Idso 1993;Pettersson et al. 1993;Körner & Miglietta 1994;Pettersson & MacDonald 1994; FerrarioMery et al. 1997;Poorter et al. 1997), indicating that nitrate assimilation fails to keep pace with growth. There is conflicting evidence with respect to the effect of elevated [CO 2 ] on nitrate reductase (NR) activity. Although elevated [CO 2 ] led to a small increase of NR activity in mustard (Maeskaya et al. 1990) and Vigna radiata (Sharma & Sen Gupta 1990), it produced a two-fold decrease of NR activity in wheat (Hocking & Meyer 1991a), maize (Purvis, Peters & Hageman 1974), and a 15-25% decrease in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia (Ferrario-Mery et al. 1997). It also led to a decrease of nitrite reductase activity in lettuce (Besford & Hand 1989). In Plantago major, elevated [CO 2 ] led to a transient increase in NR activity, that was reversed after a few days (Fonseca, Bowsher & Stulen 1997). These reports of a decrease of NR activity in elevated [CO 2 ] are rather surprising, because exogenous sugars lead to increased expression of Nia (Cheng et al. 1992;Vincentz et al. 1993;Krapp et al. 1993;Krapp & Stitt 1995;Morcuende et al. 1998) and post-translational activation of NR (Kaiser & Huber 1994; Huber, Bachman & Huber 1996) in detached leaves. Recently Geiger et al. (1998) showed that although elevated [CO 2 ] does not markedly increase the maximum NR activity in tobacco the diurnal regulation of NR is modified, allowing higher activity in the later part of the light period and during the night.Even less is kno...