In these lines of thought, the notion of structuralist praxeology was introduced (Hausberger, 2018a) together with the experimentation of a SRP on Ring Theory that used a transcription of an online forum as a crucial component of the milieu. A general interpretation of "questioning the world" in Abstract Algebra was proposed, based on the idea that formalization was both a mathematization of the world (the extra-mathematical reality) and, at a higher level of abstraction, a conceptual rewriting of previous (pre-structuralist) mathematics in terms of structures, usual mathematical objects being taken as the (intra-mathematical) reality. In this context, questioning the world amounts to questioning mathematical objects in such a way that a fruitful dialectic between objects and structures may be developed. Such a vision meets the point of view of RME and in particular its notions of horizontal and vertical mathematization. We will see below that abstraction processes in Abstract Algebra may be distinguished from these two notions.