This study aimed to understand the experience of pastoral care (PC), that is, the provision of support, comfort and spiritual counselling, from the perspective of Australian aged care residents. A survey research design captured feedback on participants' PC experience. Outcomes were reported by 575 residents (aged 53-102) across 41 sites.The majority perceived that they received a high quality of care (92%) and benefited from their meeting with the pastoral practitioner (80%), 'often' or 'all of the time'.A few significant differences were found based on participants' gender, spirituality (i.e. connection and meaning), religiosity (i.e. faith beliefs and religious practices) and well-being. Females and participants who identified as both religious and spiritual were more likely to feel that their faiths/beliefs were valued. Those with greater psychological well-being, as defined by the World Health Organisation (1998), were more likely to report receiving a high quality of care and greater benefits from receiving PC than those with poorer well-being. Three overarching themes and eight subthemes were identified from the open-ended responses: 1) personal qualities of the pastoral practitioner; caring, supportive, understanding and empathetic; 2) pastoral practitioner met specific needs; spiritual and religious, friendship and company and assistance, advice and help; and 3) positive impact on the participant; feeling listened to, peaceful and valued, accepted and respected. The qualitative findings resonate with Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, to feel safe, belong and have self-esteem.There was a synergy between what participants desire in the care they receive, asexpressed in the open-ended questions, and what the pastoral practitioners provide, as indicated in the quantitative findings. A study strength was its mixed-method, multi-site and cross-organisational context, enabling PC to be explored across a diverse sample. Future research should consider a pre-and post-test survey to more comprehensively capture the impact and benefits of PC.
K E Y W O R D Saged care, chaplaincy, pastoral care, spiritual care | 367 GORDON et al.