This study aims to design a merchandise inventory accounting information system and evaluate internal controls at PT Iko Minang Retail. There are differences in the number of stocks in records and warehouses, which causes goods to be delivered late and losses to occur, as well as the quality of goods that are not checked further so that consumers return to PT Iko Minang Retail, this happens because the company does not have a merchandise inventory accounting information system. . The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative, using primary and secondary data sources. Data collection techniques were carried out by means of interviews, observation, and documentation. The results showed that the problems experienced by PT Iko Minang Ritel occurred due to the absence of clear merchandise inventory procedures, especially in the warehouse section, as well as the company's internal controls that were still not effective. Based on these problems, this study resulted in a design of a merchandise inventory accounting information system, as well as a design of the company's internal control.