South African government statistics have indicated that throughput rates for university students remain low with only 31% of students at public universities completing their degree qualifications in the shortest possible time. Students entering public universities from the high school level are often inadequately prepared for the challenges of a rigorous degree course in accounting. It was found in extant literature, that with a modified, tutor-intensive face-to-face teaching approach, accounting pass rates could be significantly improved. However, online teaching has become more prevalent in South African universities with a gradual shift towards blended teaching. The objective of the study was to develop a teaching approach based on sound principles as proven in past studies, but with due consideration for online teaching implementation. The study adopted a research approach/methodology comprising a systematic literature review and focus group designs; thematic content analysis facilitated the development of the online teaching approach. This approach then presented 4 core activities and 29 specific activities. The findings showed a large emphasis on pre-semester activities as well as support activities. The teaching approach can potentially be adapted for rural and public universities to potentially improve accounting throughput rates.